
Report: Roku Performance Media Playbook

A guide for Performance Marketers

Thanks to its reach, Roku has established a strong foothold and can offer advertisers a large addressable audience. According to Roku, in the USA, the platform accounts for 64% of chordless users. Over recent years, Roku has capitalized on this stronghold by building new advertising features that appeal to acquisition marketers.

In this short paper Bridget Hall, Group Account Director, M&C Saatchi Performance, covers:

  • Why Roku?
  • Getting started in three simple steps
  • Advantages of Roku data
  • Choosing the right ad format
  • Creative considerations
  • Measuring success
  • Tips for success and pitfalls to avoid



How to start running CTV media campaigns on Roku

Getting started with Roku media campaigns in three simple strategic steps

Choosing the right ad format and creative considerations for Roku

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