

The implementation of payment solutions within retail stores are aimed at smartphones, which accompany users while they are on the go. Such devices act as the perfect companion for consumers and the ideal replacement for the traditional wallet.

The role of the tablet in the mcommerce revolution drastically differs. Tablet computers, such as the iPad, act as the perfect browsing device, particularly in conjunction with other media, most notably the TV. They are suited to the home, where consumers are able to lean back and leisurely browse content, and deliver a more traditional ecommerce experience; consumers are able to purchase content in a similar way to the way they would on a PC or laptop.

It is perhaps due to this more traditional role within the home, as well as increasing penetration, that tablet devices are expected to account for the majority (62.5%) of overall mcommerce sales in 2013. What’s more, in the first half of 2013, tablet revenues grew eight times faster than smartphone revenues, with tablet traffic also outpacing that of smartphones by three-to-one.

This trend will only continue through further consumer uptake of tablet devices. Retailers understand the importance of tablets to their businesses too: According to the 2014 Internet Retailer Mobile 500 report, 43 surveyed retailers said they expect to bring in $544 million from tablets next year. Going forward, such retailers will continue to pay particular attention to such devices in a bid to offer ‘rich and responsive’ experiences to consumers who will increasingly account for significant proportions of their revenues.