

Sifteo (archived) burst onto the scene last year, taking home awards for their pioneering digital cubes aimed largely at kids’ education & playtime. And they’ve just announced an update which could see them finally enter the mainstream when they become available in November.

The 1.7inch mini tech blocks have their own touchscreen, are WiFi ready and fully motion sensitive. Importantly, they know each others’ proximity.

They generally come in groups of six or twelve, and are equipped with various apps which give us an initial insight into their potential. The BlissBomb app for example, makes each block play a soft tone, and display a graphic. Depending on how the blocks are moved around or paired, the sound changes to reflect their position, creating enormous opportunity for creative play. Check out some more of its uses to date: [Watch].

It’s a great kinesthetic platform, and we’re excited to see it deliver on its potential – it’ll be opening up development to a wider audience soon. As Wired note, ‘vague goals mean open-ended problem solving and creativity’. Nifty.