
Reaching Indonesian shoppers during the discount season

Reaching Indonesian shoppers during the discount season

Harbolnas (Hari Belanja Online Nasional), or “12.12,” is Indonesia’s national online seasonal shopping celebration. It is an annual event celebrated by shoppers and retailers alike. It was first introduced in 2012 by e-commerce companies led by Lazada, Zalora, Blanja, and other e-commerce platforms, all of which are part of the Indonesian E-commerce Association (IdeA).

In a new, free guide, ‘The Harbolnas Phenomenon: How to Reach Indonesian Shoppers during the Double Discount Season,’ our teams examine how advertisers can win during this crucial shopping season.

Also available are two additional pieces from our teams to help marketers plan eCommerce campaigns. These are:

The History of Harbolnas

The original concept behind the shopping day on December 12th was to educate consumers and encourage them to shop online. More than a decade later, many sectors have seen the opportunity. Now, verticals from automotive to travel offer significant discounts and promotions to attract shoppers during the last six months of the year.

The phenomenon is similar to other global online shopping events like Singles Day, Cyber Monday, or Black Friday but tailored explicitly for the Indonesian market. The prize is significant for consumers, with discounts during Harbolnas reaching up to 80%.

Aside from the 12th of December, there are Double Dates every month, i.e., 7.7, 8.8, 9.9, 10.10, and 11.11 until December. Consequently, the period leading up to these dates is highly competitive and expensive from an advertising perspective. Strategic media planning and buying are required to remain cost-effective and achieve goals. To win, advertisers must have a clear strategy for this period. 

Harbolnas 2023 in numbers

  • The average transaction value on Harbolnas 2023 rose to IDR 311,000.

  • Free shipping and discounts remain the top purchase drivers for Harbolnas.

  • The top three shopping categories at Harbolnas 2023 were fashion, personal care, and cosmetics.

How advertisers can win

A combination of ‘traditional’ paid and organic advertising and retail media will enable advertisers to cut through the competition. However, careful planning is required to prevent budget waste and cannibalization. The team offers tips and advice in our free guide, The Harbolnas Phenomenon: Reaching Indonesian Shoppers during the Double Discount Season. Find out more here.

“Competition for customer attention is fierce during the double discount shopping period in Indonesia, and as a consequence, advertisers must ensure they are set up for success to maintain ROAS. However, there is now a significant opportunity not just to grow and retain customers but also make a mark with clever tactical campaigns. Retail platforms are now a major way of attracting new customers.”

Nachiket Desai, Country Director Indonesia, M&C Saatchi Performance

Contact us to learn more about how we help clients win during the shopping season and all year round.

Related Reading

Report: The Harbolnas Phenomenon. Reaching Indonesian Shoppers During the Double Discount Season

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