That kids are often more tech-savvy than their parents is a widely accepted phenomena, and a thing of some concern to many parents for some time. Well, now they have a whole new reason to worry!
Over in the US, retailer, has been looking to leverage ‘back to school’, and has empowered kids to ‘persuade’ their parents to buy them the items they so covet. Using the well honed practice of online ad retargeting, in which users are delivered ads relevant to websites they have visited or similar interests, savvy youths have been encouraged to create and send a wish list to their parents – but importantly, they have also been allowed to fill out psychological profiles for their unsuspecting elders, who will subsequently be followed across the web by playfully targeted and personalised banners & video ads, such as this: [watch]. These timely online ads serve as encouraging ‘reminders’ and are delivered with a nifty bit of cookie footwork. Contagious has more.
By sending the wish list to parents in the first instance, the campaign maintains transparency and becomes a fun stunt for kids to play. It’s probably unsettled a few feathers – and probably also won a few sales! Canny.
M&C Saatchi Performance is an award-winning, full-service performance marketing specialist agency focused on driving measurable results for organisations in all industries.