Google have launched an ambitious, cinematic, sci-fi paranoia game on Android that could rekindle some of the initial excitement – and potential – of location-based gaming.
Initially invite only, gamers are required to join one of two teams and the plot runs thus: a mysterious new energy force has been discovered, and the world is divided. You’re either a Resister, or Enlightened. Players go through some training exercises, and then enter into battle in their own streets, missioning around and capturing portals as they go. By all accounts it’s quite technical, but that’s unlikely to put off the hardened gamers that the app is aimed toward in the immediate term – and it’s been described as quite addictive.
As Wired have it, it becomes pretty easy to imagine how this sort of development in augmented reality might get exciting for gamers with the introduction of Google’s Glasses when they arrive. It’s not on iOS yet, but it’s coming.