We’re undergoing the second creative revolution, according to Google. Not since the 1960s, when art directors and copywriters first partnered in teams, have we seen such transformation in advertising.
And the reason is code. And so where human insights, ground-breaking ideas and stories have not changed, the creative mediums for brands to express these are changing all around us. So, Google have launched a new project involving “art, copy and code”; a chance to showcase the future “creative team for the connected world”. Artcopycode.com will be featuring outstanding, forward-looking creative work over the next year, working with people across the industry, as we work to pioneer and navigate across the ever-evolving terrain. There will be a particular focus on key trends – most notably ‘Phygital’ (the realms where real world and code rub shoulders hardest), data stories, collaborative storytelling, personalisation, and ‘useful’ marketing – where tools are created which bring real benefit to consumers.
Be sure not to miss out – sign-up for updates… and obviously, get involved!