Half of the battle for a startup is getting the coverage necessary to grow, but when you’ve founded Twitter, you’re likely to be given the odd column inch, and the benefit of any doubt. Even if you’re scarcely yet to have started-up. Biz Stone’s latest venture has already got chins wagging, and not much is known about it at all. The understated pitch, coincidentally delivered on April Fool’s day, begins by declaring that people are basically good, and when handed a tool to do good in the world, they prove this. Biz further declared that its name, Jelly, derives from Jellyfish – selected because “neurologically, its brain is more ‘we’ than ‘me’… and for the past 700 million years, this decentralized structure has been wildly successful.”
We do know it to be a mobile based venture, and that Jelly is now hiring in Silicon Valley. Biz has also warned that it may take some time before we see anything. But as a strict and proven master of Brutal Simplicity, we cannot wait to see what his new world of potential has in store.
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