
Lego’s Super Heroes Movie Maker

Increasingly, brands are discovering their customers getting creative with their products – doing things with it that they might not necessarily have intended or thought of. Brands in such a position have two choices: fight it or embrace it. And as we have seen above, one brand to whom embracing this kind of customer tinkering comes naturally is LEGO.

Lego’s stop-motion animations have boomed into a micro industry online, ranging in scope and quality from the kind of amateurish efforts you might expect right through to ultra slick, cinematic efforts. Check this, for example: [Watch].

Now, LEGO has created a free iOS app that will make it even easier for fans of the brand to make stop-motion movies. The LEGO Super Heroes Movie Maker app uses the iPhone/iPad’s camera and comes with a number of features to make the usually gritty and tedious business of animation as easy as possible. Once made, the films can then be shared directly with friends or over YouTube. Simply brilliant. [Watch].